Holy Family, Optional Year C * Responsorial Psalm
R. (cf. 5a) Blessed are they who dwell in your house, O Lord.
Ps. 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10
Below is an OPTION for Year C, when Holy Family ABC readings are not used
R. Blessed are they who dwell in your house, O Lord.
How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD of hosts!
My soul yearns and pines for the courts of the LORD.
My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.
R. Blessed are they who dwell in your house, O Lord.
Happy they who dwell in your house!
Continually they praise you.
Happy the men whose strength you are!
Their hearts are set upon the pilgrimage.
R. Blessed are they who dwell in your house, O Lord.
O LORD of hosts, hear our prayer;
hearken, O God of Jacob!
O God, behold our shield,
and look upon the face of your anointed.
R. Blessed are they who dwell in your house, O Lord.

Beáti qui hábitant in domo tua, Dómine!

Version found in the Jogues Illuminated Missal:
7173 (modern) 7175 (Gregorian)
7171 (organist)7172 (vocalist)7178 (mp3 audio practice file)

Royce Nickel

Brian Michael Page:
4734 (multiple page PDF)

Arlene Oost-Zinner:
8009 (vocalist score)

Bruce Ford:
7057 (vocalist score)